"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Albert Einstein

Monday, June 25, 2012

Non-Fiction Books

Non-fiction books may be harder for some students to fall in love with, but once a student finds their certain non-fictional interest they may never turn back! As a teacher, it is very important for them to create an enthusiastic environment towards non-fiction books. Non-fiction books are very informative and really help the students learn as they read. The teacher should create opportunities for students to enjoy non-fiction books by incorporating books that cater to their students' interests. If the teacher knows that many of the students enjoy reading about animals then they should implement non-fiction books about different animals in their classroom library. The same could be said for students who are interested in sports, science, history, and even different cultures. There are books for any kind of learner and it is the teacher's job to present these books to their students. I remember in elementary school that I would be forced to read a non-fiction book in between my fictional reading. I ended up reading every single sport book that the library had. Whether it was about different sport's teams and their rich history or athlete biographies, I read them all! Reading these sports books helped me realize that non-fiction is just as enjoyable to read as fiction. I hope my future students feel the same way!

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