"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Albert Einstein

Monday, June 25, 2012

Realistic Fiction

Realistic fiction is a great way for children to learn about real world experiences while still enjoying the story aspect of the novel. Contrary to non-fiction, realistic fiction is a made up story. However, realistic fiction is something that could actually happen in a real life situation. I think realistic fiction is perfect for students who are not interested in fantasy or out of this world fiction that can not actually happen. The students are still able to enjoy a story that is not true but has practical situations that the students can relate to. The best stories are the ones that enthralls the reader by attaching them to the characters. A great way to become attached to a character is by relating to that character in some way. A few of my favorite realistic fiction novels are Bridge To Terabithia, Maniac Magee, Where The Red Fern Grows, Great Gatsby, and Fallen Angels. Realistic fiction is one of my favorite genres and I hope to implement many of these stories into my future classroom. It is important for students to understand the different between fiction, non-fiction, and realistic fiction.

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